Insanity FlyFF Leveling Guide from Level 1 - 300. Here's my quick and easy to follow leveling up guide in Insanity Flyff Private Server. Follow simple steps:
Register an account at Insanity Flyff Website. After you have created an account, login to the game and create your first character. You will start at Vagrant Level 1. Then, Login to the Insanity Flyff website, and VOTE. Use the Vote Points to buy Exp Potions.
1. Level-up your first character up to Level 15 -- to change your first job: You can select from 4 major job classes: Assist, Acrobat, Magician and Mercenary. If you are beginner, I would suggest you select a Magician job class. This is easy to level-up and very useful in farming. You will be needing more money (Penya) later for your equipment.
2. When you have reached Level 30, you can start leveling-up at the Forsaken Tower B1 floor. When you reach Level 60, you will have an option to select your second job class from a Psykeeper or Elementor. You should select Elementor.
3. You can level-up to reach Hero-122 at the Forsaken Tower. So, again I would remind you to use all the Buffs, Exp potions and Enhance your equipment.
4. At Level Hero-122, you can buy a ticket to Coral Islands. When you reached Level 150 with Exp 99.99%, you will be evolved to an Arcanist class. You can level-up to Level 200 at the Coral Islands. You can also take a quick quest in the RC shop to get 3000 Red Chips. This is a very easy quest.
5. At Level 200 Arcanist, you can level up at the Dungeon Mars. You can level up there up to Level 230, and then proceed to the next location.
6. Which is the Kalliun Grassland at Elliun town. You can level-up there up to Level 250 and then, go to the next location.
7. The Dekane Mines. You can level up there to reach Level 300.
There you go. This ends my Insanity Flyff Leveling Guide from Level 1 to 300. Good luck and Have fun playing Insanity Flyff Private Server.
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